[TYPO3-core] New logo in old branches. Revert?

Helmut Hummel helmut.hummel at typo3.org
Fri Nov 9 00:10:48 CET 2012


I just had a chat with Lars Zimmermann from the UI/UX Team.
He asked me why the new TYPO3 logo has been commited to old branches 
(even 4.5) and I did not have an answer to that.

We somehow replaced the CI in *patchlevel* releases.
I agree with Lars, that this is a wrong signal.

The logo change is in line with the decision to rename TYPO3 to TYPO3 
CMS and release a new major version 6.0. Thus it would make sense that 
only 6.0 has the new logo to also visualize this change.

It would be one additional (small) part to make 6.0 differ visually and 
representing the decisions that have been taken.

Unfortunately already two patchlevel releases (4.5, 4.6, 4.7) have ben 
done, but nevertheless I think we should revert the logo change in these 

Kind regards,

Helmut Hummel
Release Manager TYPO3 6.0
TYPO3 Core Developer, TYPO3 Security Team Member

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