[TYPO3-core] Alert before leaving unsaved changes

Robert Wildling robertwildling at gmail.com
Thu May 24 17:04:15 CEST 2012

Hi, Mr G,

> and sorry but again: it is not only core devs who are able to develop
> for the core.

I know that. But *this* list is - at least to my understanding - the 
most "informed", "actual" one when it comes to development. And it is 
definately read not only by core team memebrs. So i consider it the best 
place to get such info. If I'm wrong, direct me to a better place, 
please - thanks.

>> Why do you always see such questions as demands?
> because if there is no answer like "yeah I am just doing it right now"
> or "yes it is planned for release a.b.c" it will be the way with the
> highest chance to get this feature.

??? i did not demand anything from anybody. Seems that you core devs are 
quite a bit sensitive to questions about (new) features ... ;-)

>> - if not, is there a general interest (there is from the side of my
>> people, my clientel, my friends, and myself - anybody else - doesn't
>> seem so either at the moment...);
> so vote, make some noise or bring some beer to the next TYPO3 event.

I did vote,I am making noise here - so its the beer that would most 
likely make a change here... a-ha!

Same thing with the treeview question from a few days ago? Because there 
nobody reacted...


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