[TYPO3-core] why did jenkins reject my commit?

Steffen Gebert steffen.gebert at typo3.org
Fri May 18 23:48:10 CEST 2012

Hash: SHA1

Hi Roland,

the workshops during the DevDays were no talks, so it would have been
hard to record them.

Basically you should test everything you could imagine to be broken
afterwards (and a bit more).

But don't worry too much: We have - besides Jenkins - a review workflow
for that. So there are other people around (at least one team member),
who will have to have a look at your changes.

Kind regards

- -- 
Steffen Gebert
TYPO3 v4 Core Team Member
TYPO3 Server Administration Team Member

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On 18.05.12 23:39, Roland wrote:
>> So how would new contributers find out what is wrong with their patch the
>> commit to Gerrit? IMHO this needs to be documented somewhere.
>> To keep the motivation of the new contributers the same as before
>> pushing it to Gerrit:-)
> i would like to have a some more detailed guide what and how to test before
> i push a commit. is there something in the wiki? the contribution
> walkthrougguide does not tell anything about it. nobody wants to break
> something. maybe some of the TDD12 sessions would have been helpful. i
> could not attend. unfortunatelly they were not recorded. maybe this would
> have been helpful?
> ps: how safe is the jenkins safety net?
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