[TYPO3-core] why did jenkins reject my commit?

Wouter Wolters mail at wouterwolters.nl
Fri May 18 23:47:01 CEST 2012


My post was for all developers and in special the core-developers:-) 
There is no information how to find the error why Jenkins doesn't like 
the commit. I think the GIT introduction session could be helpful for 
you. But I'm not sure if they handled this part;-)

Kind regards,

Wouter Wolters

PS. Most of the slides from T3DD12 are here: 

Op 18-5-2012 23:39, Roland schreef:
>> So how would new contributers find out what is wrong with their patch the
>> commit to Gerrit? IMHO this needs to be documented somewhere.
>> To keep the motivation of the new contributers the same as before
>> pushing it to Gerrit:-)
> i would like to have a some more detailed guide what and how to test before
> i push a commit. is there something in the wiki? the contribution
> walkthrougguide does not tell anything about it. nobody wants to break
> something. maybe some of the TDD12 sessions would have been helpful. i
> could not attend. unfortunatelly they were not recorded. maybe this would
> have been helpful?
> ps: how safe is the jenkins safety net?

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