[TYPO3-core] Thinking about a lightweight backend - what do you think?

Thomas Esders esders at naw.info
Wed Mar 14 09:15:15 CET 2012

Am 13.03.12 22:43, schrieb Jigal van Hemert:

> All this can be achieved with the current BE interface. You can set for
> a user group:
> - the modules in the left menu which are available
> - the part(s) in the pagetree and fileadmin which are accessible
> - the tables (record types) which can be read and written
> - the fields in those records which are available
> - the types of content elements which can be created
> - the types of plugins which can be accessed
> - etc.

I know, but the you still got the same concept of edition and the same 
"look" - that is not what i got in my mind.

> The backend can be provided with a different skin (it's quite a task,
> but it is possible), so you could change the look and feel.

Well, the question is: How independent are we in "skinning"? Or do we 
depend on backend.php?

> My experience with editors is the opposite: after a short period they
> want more and more options activated.

I and my customers have a totally different view on that.

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