[TYPO3-core] Adding visibility to methods and variables within t3lib_tcemain?

Susanne Moog susanne.moog at typo3.org
Thu Jun 14 21:07:16 CEST 2012


On 06/12/2012 12:27 PM, Oliver Klee wrote:
> Anyone who is calling a method that is marked as @private willingly
> takes the risk that their code might break any time when the visibility
> is enforced (or the method is moved, removed etc.).
> In other words: The Core defines an API which extensions can use. If an
> extension uses non-API methods, it's at their own risk.

I would not have a problem with that decision if it's only done for the
ones marked private. But it's not only about those marked as private but
also about lots and lots of methods without a comment regarding
visibility at all. The fact is that these methods are currently public
API, no dev could know otherwise - so if we change that we will break
backwards compatibility in a big way.

That might also be a chance. There was - again - a discussion on the
German list regarding the TER and the many incompatible / not working
extensions. Maybe we can think about doing the visibility step in
conjunction with a possibility to display in TER and extension manager
only extensions marked as explicitly compatible with 6.0. That would
have the benefit of a much cleaner API and a much cleaner TER but would
mean more work as we would have to do the TER part, too.



Susanne Moog
TYPO3 Core Team Member

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