[TYPO3-core] Contribution to TYPO3 v4 :: PHP unit tests (before pushing to gerrit)

Roland most.wanted at gmx.at
Tue Jun 12 14:38:52 CEST 2012

hi everybody,

i commited some CGL violation patches lately and would like to start 
unit testing the core before i push my commit to gerrit.

what is the best way to do this?

i (for testing purpose) just installed EXT:phpunit in a TYPO3 project 
(TYPO3 4.7.1) i work on and clicked on "run all tests" in it's backend 

--- quote ---
696 tests, 814 assertions, 11 failures, 31 skipped, 1 not implemented, 1 
errors, 12.565 seconds, 23 MB (23913832 B) memory leaks
--- /quote ---

there seems to exist tests which do not pass. is this ok? if so: does 
unit testing make sense before pushing to gerrit?

i went to ci.typo3.org and searched for phpunit test results? does 
jenkins execute the unit tests for TYPO3 v4 at the moment?

++ "Projekt typo3-v4-core-gerrit" only executes PHP syntax checks & 11 
codesniffer rules

++ "Projekt typo3-v4-core-nightly" executes PHP Lint, Codesniffer, PHP 
Copy and Paste detection and PHP Depend - but not PHP unit tests

these 2 jobs are the only ones that are executed on a regular base.

what about unit tests? aren't they important? i guess the are 
obligatorly run by the core team member which merges the commit into core?

is there something about this toppic in the wiki? i could not find it.

kind regards


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