[TYPO3-core] TYPO3 Core Budget from the T3A for 2012

Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] ernst at cron-it.de
Tue Feb 21 08:25:14 CET 2012

Hi Helmut,

Helmut Hummel schrieb am 20.02.2012 23:00:

> Just a short FYI about some "facts" in regard of the Security Team
> What was granted to us is:
> 22.000 EUR (roughly)
> Which is reserved for:
> Developing a new Incident Handling System (from scratch)
> Travel Expences
> Security Code Sprint(s)
> Team Coordination/ organizational stuff/ Core Security handling
> Writing Core Security Bulletins
> This means that what causes the most amount of time and energy
> (Extension Incident Handling) is done for free, in the spare time of all
> members.
> This is why we especially suck in the latter, although we try hard lately.

That's also more or less what currently the Core Team gets support from
the T3A. There is almost none "coding related" budget, most of it is
used in the travels, organisation, infrastructural work (git), meetings,
release work, etc.

All bugfixes, enhancements, new features, API work, etc, is still mostly
done for free and on a voluntary basis, except for projects which get
external sponsoring.

I can imagine that it is difficult to get external sponsoring for
"security fixes", especially because people won't know what to sponsor
exactly. Therefore I can also imagine that more budget could be granted
to your team in 2013, if this is well explained in the proposal which
will be also judged by the Community.


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