[TYPO3-core] Cachingframework implementation for lang sysext

Dominique Feyer dominique.feyer at reelpeek.net
Wed Jun 29 12:17:21 CEST 2011

Dominique Feyer wrote:
> Do you have any idea on how we can improve this feature ?

What do you think about a caching table for the mtime of each file with
a short TTL ?

This cache can be disable in localconf.php during developpement but for
production server the cache can be set to a longer period. This cache
will be really small, so for a production server under high load it can
be in memcache or redis to avoid SQL performance.

And maybe a scheduler task to update this cache (this action can be
triggered by the extension manager during the update of an extension) ?

Dominique Feyer

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