[TYPO3-core] XLIFF patches

Steffen Gebert steffen.gebert at typo3.org
Mon Jun 13 22:53:14 CEST 2011

>> I'd say that we know we want to go in that direction. The work on XLIFF
>> is not finished yet, if some (not all of course :D) non-Core extensions
>> are broken because of edge-cases play with the API or simply because
>> some parts are not yet ready (support for deprecated LLPHP files for
>> instance), that's not that bad from my POV, we have a developer snapshot
>> tomorrow (alpha2) and we will fix them until alpha3.
> Yes extension dealing with $GLOBALS['LOCAL_LANG'] directly (without
> using the official API) will now receive an array (before it was
> directyl a string). But we can't do anything to solve that, i think ?

But why do sysexts use this non-API ;)

I have no problem with alpha2 breaking some extensions. In doubt, we 
have to think of building a compatibility layer.

Kind regards

Steffen Gebert
TYPO3 v4 Core Team Member

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