[TYPO3-core] RFC #17001: Spelling HTML5

Sebastian Michaelsen sebastian.gebhard at gmail.com
Fri Jan 14 14:44:32 CET 2011

Am 14.01.2011 14:36, schrieb Jigal van Hemert:

> I don't see the relationship to the brand name "TYPO3", but the reason for the underscore is obvious:
> xhtml_trans, xhtml_frames, xhtml_strict, xhtml_basic, xhtml_11, xhtml_2,...
> Isn't it more confusing for integrators/administrators to use a new doctype name without an underscore?
> I honestly don't see the reason for an extra option in two major versions, deprecation and the whole
> circus for this.
Thanks for asking.

xhtml_trans is for "XHTML 1.0 Transitional"
xhtml_frames is for "XHTML 1.0 Frameset"
xhtml_2 is for "XHTML 2"

All the official names include Spaces and it's logical to use an underscore to indicate the space.

"HTML5" is spelled without a space officially (there's the analogy to TYPO3).
That's why "html_5" is just as odd as "typo_3"

It may look like nit-picking, but I think it's not professional to spell HTML5 the wrong way.

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