[TYPO3-core] Move contrib/ out of typo3/

Christian Welzel gawain at camlann.de
Sat Dec 10 12:20:12 CET 2011

Am 08.12.2011 23:18, schrieb Jigal van Hemert:

> Can you explain a bit more which packages are problematic?

Its not about compatibility, its just to clearify things.
If you look into the typo3,tgz you find a LICENSE.txt which
states that all software is GPL (except some icons). If
you then look into typo3/ you find a LICENSE.txt that states
that all software is GPL. If you look into contrib/ you find
no license information. You have to look one level deeper to
find out, that there is software, which is not GPL (but comatible).

You have to look into a well "hidden" folder and its subfolders
to find out, not all is GPL as stated in the "root" folder.

And including all the stuff into typo3/ subdir is makes the
impression, that its part of typo3-project. Seperating the
code (moving out of typo3/) would make a clear statement,
that its not part of the project and thats way someone has
to expect other licenses than GPL.

 MfG, Christian Welzel

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