[TYPO3-core] RFC #13750: Bug: Several GIFBUILDER features broken for IM4, IM6 and GM

JoH asenau info at cybercraft.de
Mon May 10 10:24:56 CEST 2010


Come on folks, this is a major bug, that *breaks important IM/GM features
for any Windows user*, so where is the problem about comitting this patch? -
Instead of concentrating on new features for upcoming T3 versions, IMHO we
should fix those major bugs and blockers of the current versions first.

And as I already wrote before: It's indeed a fix for #13905 and #13024 as
Even though #13024 was set to "unable to reproduce" and therefor "resolved".
The missing information was: It happens on Windows only.
So #13024 IS a reproducable bug and is still NOT resolved.


Joerg Wagner [DigiLog] wrote:
> I discovered a condition under which the patched code will still fail:
> Single quoted parts in the argument of function
> t3lib_div::unQuoteFilename can be closed (=ended) by double quotes and
> vice versa:
> t3lib_div::unQuoteFilenames("'aa bb\" cc'")
>> array =
>   0: string = "'aa bb\""
>   1: string = "cc'"
> Attached you will find revised versions of all patches which will
> eliminate this loophole.
> Sorry for mixing up the situation now that so many positive votes have
> been given.
> Cheers, Jörg.
> schrieb Steffen Ritter am 30.04.2010 21:48:
>> Am 04.04.2010 13:46, schrieb Jigal van Hemert:
>>> Joerg Wagner [DigiLog] wrote:
>>>>> Now, our beloved function unQuoteFilenames() only checks for
>>>>> double quotes when trying to do its explode-like job. So on Linux
>>>>> the whole algorithm never really activates - and the bug in it
>>>>> never shows up.
>>> Attached patch for trunk (same changes as Joerg's patches).
>>> +1 by reading and testing. (Windows Vista with GraphicsMagick
>>> 1.3.12)
>>> Is this also a solution for the following issues?
>>> - http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=13905
>>> - http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=13024 (this is set to resolved,
>>> but that was because unchecking im_useStripProfilesByDefault made
>>> the parameter count change, causing images to be created but still
>>> with incorrect order of the mask parts)
>> +1 on testing on linux, works as before there
>> attached is updated patch which applies after hmac introduction in
>> t3lib_div...

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Dieter Nuhr, German comedian
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