[TYPO3-core] RFC #13750: Bug: Several GIFBUILDER features broken for IM4, IM6 and GM

Steffen Gebert steffen at steffen-gebert.de
Mon May 10 12:30:38 CEST 2010

Am 10.05.2010, 10:24 Uhr, schrieb JoH asenau <info at cybercraft.de>:

> Come on folks, this is a major bug, that *breaks important IM/GM features
> for any Windows user*, so where is the problem about comitting this  
> patch? -
> Instead of concentrating on new features for upcoming T3 versions, IMHO  
> we
> should fix those major bugs and blockers of the current versions first.

Hi Joey and Jörg,

I'm willing to review this, unfortunately I don't have good luck with the  
version Jörg sent on Tuesday.

As the IM commands are a very sensible part of TYPO3, I'd really like to  
see unit tests for the changed function(s). For me (on MacOS) only the  
first 2 tests work - even with the patch.
Nevertheless, I attached the testcase file applied against typo3_src (and  
the same for the trunk-patch, which is also CGL-conform now).

What I don't understand is, how this should break IM4. I tried Susanne's  
snippet under windows, but nothing was broken with IM4. Looking at the  
code in t3lib_div::imageMagickCommand(), I can see that  
unQuoteFilenames() is only called with $switchCompositeParameters = TRUE.
But this is only the case for gm and im6, isn't it?

By setting it TRUE by hand, I was able to observe the different behavior  
of unQuoteFilenames(), which indeed looks weird, but seems not to harm in  
my case (because I use IM4?).

Could we agree to add the unit tests first and then fix this?

If you can give me a hint, how this should affect IM4, I'd also be happy  

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