[TYPO3-core] RFC #14636: Improvements to new Backend skin

Helmut Hummel helmut at typo3.org
Sat Jun 12 16:42:45 CEST 2010


On 12.06.10 09:46, Steffen Gebert wrote:
>>> * csh: Context sensitive help
>> Still not working well if the chs icon is near the bottom of the
>> viewport (like the csh for the search below the content). But this also
>> does not work in 4.3.
>> This is especially annoying because the appearing scrollbar reduces the
>> width of the viewport, wich can cause "jumping" csh help.
> Think this can't be solved in the way we have now: It's made visible
> with :hover state of the <a> around.
> IMHO we need a nice (Ext)JS tooltip script, to make it perfect

OK, I'm fine if it will done later.

>>> * pagemodule: Reduced visibilitiy of hidden CEs
>> Generally a good idea, but now it's hardly readable if not hovered.
> That's intention.

Well if you don't want to see hidden elements one can still disable them
completely. But if they're enabled, thy should be readable imho.

>> Also the divider between fields looks the same as the divider between
>> field groups.
> I know, will put it in the wiki


Regards Helmut

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