[TYPO3-core] RFC #14545: [No Title] shown when editing a record on root level

Steffen Gebert steffen at steffen-gebert.de
Sat Jun 5 22:22:00 CEST 2010

Am 02.06.2010, 10:56 Uhr, schrieb Reinhard Führicht <rf at typoheads.at>:

> Bugtracker references:
> http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=14545
> Branches: trunk

> I propose the following solution to fix not only the problem the
> original poster of the bug pointed out, but to provide a more general
> solution for the "headline chaos":
> When creating a new record, the label will be: Create new [tablename]
> When editing a record it will be: Edit [recordtitle]

Sorry for the delay, Reinhard.

It's not the solution as desired. The page title should always be printed  
out on top of TCEform.

Think we should just hide [No title], when we're on pid 0 or create a new  
page - or are there other cases, too?
Will come up with a patch, hopefully tomorrow.


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