[TYPO3-core] RFC #12679: Pagemodule don't show clipboard paste icon when there is no content

Bernhard Kraft kraftb at think-open.at
Tue Jul 13 01:04:17 CEST 2010

Am 2010-07-08 18:24, schrieb Reinhard Führicht:

> This is an SVN patch request.

Hello !

Just for your information: This is something which is already 
implemented since quite a time by my kb_nescefe extension. It looks like 
you did very similar things with the class.tx_cms_layout.php and TCEmain 

But there's one thing I would ask you for: Take a look at the attached 
XCLASS file for class.tx_cms_layout.php - I know XCLASSes are not very 
welcome, but what I do there is to put all the icons of the column 
headers and content-element headers into an array and make an "implode" 
afterwards, instead of concatenating to a $out string variable.

This has the advantage that I can add a call to a hook method, so it 
will be possible to hide/show and add icons by creating a little hook 
class. I think this is something which was already proposed by "Tapio 
Markula" some years ago (whoever he is/was).

I guess it is a very important thing, to learn that we should put hook 
methods at every major user interface output/input section. This enables 
programmers to change the look and feel between the application and the 
user and tailor it to the needs of the user.

Guess if there would have been hooks already for a long time. I think 
there would be at least 20 extensions whichi add cut/copy/paste and 
"Do-All-The-Magic" icons to every content element ;)

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