[TYPO3-core] RFC: #15064: Replace linktext if link is not rendered

Philipp Gampe phil at philippgampe.info
Sun Jul 11 14:13:45 CEST 2010

Am 11.07.2010, 12:30 Uhr, schrieb Andreas Otto <andreas at otto-hanika.de>:

> Hi Georg,
> I have read and tested the patch but I am not sure whether to give the
> patch a +1 or not.
> I have difficulties finding the right use case for this feature request.

> How about using typolinkReplaceLinkAccessRestrictedPages = REPLACE and
> checking for that. We could have a default behaviour that will replace
> the link with nothing - just like in your example. And we can
> additionaly check if typolinkReplaceLinkAccessRestrictedPages.replace
> exists which will use stdWrap like in your patch as well.

This would be nice ...

Regarding the use-case, one could render some fancy popup, that is shown  
if you hover the link. This could include a login form and a link to  

Second, I have a website where I would like to show a longer text,  
explaining why a user can't follow this link currently (it leads to a  
member only view).

However the problem still is, that it would be best to set this on a lower  
level, because I might want to have RTE links replaced, but not menu items  
shown. If I remember correctly, this happens if you set  
config.typolinkReplaceLinkAccessRestrictedPages= #uid#.

Best regards
Philipp Gampe

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