[TYPO3-core] RFC #13580: htmlArea RTE: Extjize the RTE

Steffen Kamper ks at dislabs.de
Thu Feb 18 23:17:52 CET 2010

Hi Stan,

really impressive work!!!

It's really a huge patch and difficult to make a complete review, so 
here my +1 on reading and testing. Reading means reading code without 
analysis, testing different entries, buttons, combos, context menu etc.
All looks great. There are some minor issues, here are some i saw while 

* context menu: the height is wrong, it takes complete browser height. 
Also there is a strange mouse-over effect changing size of menu items.

* the toolbar should get another background, atm it's the same 
background as the surrounding area, so it looks a bit "loose". (this is 
only css and really minor)

Btw - it would be great to have button groups drag&drop like we know 
from office packages. i've seen a plugin doing this. Quick search 
brought this source:
Maybe it's worthy.

I love the combos with autocomplete and the clean Ext-Forms :) Great you 
did this!

vg Steffen

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