[TYPO3-core] RFC #13580: htmlArea RTE: Extjize the RTE

Stanislas Rolland typo3 at sjbr.ca
Thu Feb 18 21:32:19 CET 2010

This is an SVN patch request.

Type: Feature

The core script of the RTE is old, not well-structured and difficult to 
understand and evolve.

The attached patch applies ExtJS to the RTE in the following ways:
1. The RTE framework becomes an Ext.Panel comprising the toolbar, the 
iframe, the textarea and the status bar. All components are Ext objects.
2. When textareas are resizable, the framework is resizable as a whole.
3. The toolbar buttons and dropdowns become extended Ext Buttons and 
4. All events and listeners are managed by the Ext EventManager.
5. The context menu becomes a Ext Menu and becomes configurable.
6. Color palettes become Ext ColorPalettes
7. The following dialogue windows become Ext windows: 
acronym/abbreviation, table/row/column/cell properties, 
foreground/background color, emoticon.

Note on browser support:
ExtJS does not support old browsers like the RTE currently does. With 
this patch, the RTE will not support:
IE 5.5,
Mozilla before SeaMonkey 1.0,
Firefox before 1.5,
WamCom Mozilla for Mac OS 9

Note on backward compatibility:
The toolbar dropdowns become Ext ComboBox objects. Therefore, any 
existing extension that would add a dropdown to the RTE toolbar will 
fail and must be converted to the use of ExtJS.

Next steps:
1. Transform the remaining dialogues (except link and image browsers).
2. Extjize all xmlHttpRequests and revise the script loading process.

Bugtracker references:


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