[TYPO3-core] RFC #13380: Bug: Recursive deletion of alternative page languages

Andreas Otto andreas at otto-hanika.de
Fri Feb 5 23:23:50 CET 2010

Hi Francois,

Am Freitag, den 05.02.2010, 11:57 +0100 schrieb Francois Suter:
> Hi,
> > did you test this with v2 or v1 of the patch?
> v2, which seems more correct conceptually.
> I ran the test again with v1.
> Although I still can't reproduce the behavior described by Andreas, v1 
> at least fixes the other issue I mentioned (deletion of the other 
> overlays on the same page).

That actually was the recursion. It just could not crawl any deeper in
your installation in that case. Call yourself lucky ;-)

You will be able to reproduce the described behaviour if you use the
supplied testcase. The testcase was build to show the worst case that
could happen due to this bug.

Maybe it helps to have a look at the attached file
"pages_language_overlay-testcase.log" which shows a part of the TYPO3

> I must say that looking at v2, I don't understand why it doesn't work. I 
> don't have time to dig more into this, I want to go back to updating the 
> core docs.

V2 of the patch contained one [ too much in "['transOrigPointerTable']".

Please try the attached v3 of the patch.

> Still the end result is that I'm not happy with the current patch, 
> although I can see problem. Actually the recursive deletion maybe 
> happens for some people, because they have allowed recursive deletion in 
> their TSconfig.

You may delete entire pagetrees recursively with the right/wrong
TSconfig. However, we are talking about deleting 1 record in
pages_language_overlay. The TSconfig setting is not causing the
described behaviour.

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