[TYPO3-core] RFC: #15573: Disable deprecation log in config_default

Ingo Renner ingo at typo3.org
Tue Aug 31 17:11:59 CEST 2010

Patrick Gaumond wrote:

> 1. If we don't care about performance (pre-production) we can put single
> lines in registry (as proposed already)

technically not a good solution, but that's not the point.

> 2. Using current infinite log we could restrain file size.
> 3. Deluxe addition: Put the info in the Reports Module so it's more
> visible.

Done with 4.4, maybe I can eventually relieve your mind by providing the 
email notification I promised.

> Frankly, I hate the infinite file principle.

yeah, it sure was/is a bad implementation logging things over and over 

> make a report visible (new "TYPO3 Heatlh status" report)
> would be fantastic.

That's what the system status report is already.

> Maybe we need a bigger switch "Testing/Production" that turn all Install
> Tool on/off debug info, including deprecation log...

was suggested already... "contexts" like dev, test, live

> Before putting energy on such a patch we must agree on principles. I
> also recall Ingo was doing some work on this. Don't know the current
> status...

I need to get my patch to apply to trunk again, but it's basically ready.

HTH :)

Ingo Renner
TYPO3 Core Developer, Release Manager TYPO3 4.2

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