[TYPO3-core] RFC: #11019: User Setup Rewrite #4

Bernhard Kraft kraftb at kraftb.at
Tue May 5 06:37:30 CEST 2009

Hello !

Oliver Hader wrote:
> Martin Kutschker schrieb:
>> Oliver Hader schrieb:
>>> Some comments on reviewing:
>>> * before using another abbreviation in a new global variable, I'd like
>>> to a registry singleton that delivers the same configuration by e.g.
>>> "$userSettings = t3lib_Registry::getUserSettings();"
>> I think you missed the point. $TUS is a definition array similar to $TCA.
> The idea is great since it offers an easy way to modify the stuff in the
> user settings module without using complicated hooks. However I'd like
> to see a general approach (it does not only concern this RFC) to handle
> objects that are currently in $GLOBALS[...].

But if you move objects (arrays) that are in $GLOBALS to an class, and only
retrieve it by some getter, you also have to create a way to esily manipulate
it from anywhere.

In the above example I probably would not like to create a hook for the
user settings module, but rather simply change something in the "TUS" array
from some ext_tables.php or ext_localconf.php ...

BTW: Did you know that "TUS" is the german abbreviation for "Telemetrie und
Sicherheit" or "Tonfrequentes Uebertragungs System" which is the specific
term firemen use for smoke/fire detectors mounted on the ceiling of every
larger building ;)

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Rosa Luxemburg, 1871-1919

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