[TYPO3-core] RFC: #11019: User Setup Rewrite #4

Steffen Kamper info at sk-typo3.de
Mon May 4 19:52:03 CEST 2009

Hi olly,

first thanks for review. I made a new patch where i completed phpDok, 
added protected to new functions, renamed functionNameOptions to 
functionNameSelect as they all deliver complete selectbox. This is 
required as there is the possibility (used by language) to return a 
warning box instead of selct.

I removed former cleanups so the patch is more easy to read. I will take 
care of cleaning up rest of code after this goes through.

I removed LANG: from $TUS-array as we talked today it's not good to 
introduce a new key for language handling. So usage of "label" in TUS 
conf-array is same like TCA: LLL:EXT:... or plain text.

remark: There is a simplified access check. Now it only works with
'access' => 'admin'
could be extended in future. It's possible to set access level for a 
complete tab or a single field.

vg Steffen

Oliver Hader schrieb:
> Hi Steffen,
> Steffen Kamper schrieb:
>> Hi,
>> This is SVN patch request.
>> Type: Bugfix
>> Branches: trunk
>> BT reference: http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=11019
>> Benni already started top use a configuration array for user settings
>> with a TCA-like array.
>> This is the next step using a real configuration array in
>> $GLOBALS['TUS'], where TUS stands for TYPO3 User Settings
>> This allows to manipulate the render of settings without hook like you
>> can do it with TCA and simplify it.
> Some comments on reviewing:
> * before using another abbreviation in a new global variable, I'd like
> to a registry singleton that delivers the same configuration by e.g.
> "$userSettings = t3lib_Registry::getUserSettings();"
> * "LANG:" introduces a new key that does not really tell, where to get
> the label from
> * please use e.g. $backendUserData instead of $BE_USER_data
> * instead of using $GLOBALS['TUS']['columns'][$fieldname] multiple times
> in the same method creat a copy of that information to e.g.
> $fieldSettings and use that one
> * please use proper PHPdoc comments and protected/public definitions on
> methods (e.g. "function simulateUserOptions()")
> * using e.g. $GLOBAL['LANG'] is not required in global context
> ! please keep functional changes separated from functional changes (e.g.
> converting all $BE_USER to $GLOBALS['BE_USER'] would go to a separate patch)
> Thanks!
> olly

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