[TYPO3-core] RFC #11370: Inconsistent Login Screen doesn't show system required errors

Susanne Moog typo3 at susannemoog.de
Tue Jun 23 18:45:27 CEST 2009

Hey again...

Jens Hoffmann schrieb:
> Did some testing. :)

> - The "?" BTN at the Title-Bar dousn't shows relevant content.
>   Is should show something like.
>     - Who to contact when the Login dousn't work.
>     - etc.

Who indeed... I just don't know what I should write there so suggestions
are welcome. For now it just shows the same info that was written there

> - The "What is a cookie?" and "What the hack is javascript?"
>   links are missing! We should a special page for this question
>   on typo3.org and point to them.
>   eg: "http://typo3.org/user/faq#login-javascript-error"

Those are missing because I did not find pages with that info, so better
leave them out and get the patch ready than arguing where to put these
pages, what to put on them, and who to contact to get them ready (if you
know what I mean...).

Best regards,


Susanne Moog
NEUSTA GmbH - www.neusta.de

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