[TYPO3-core] RFC: #0011505: TYPO3 4.3 is slower than 4.2.8 -> re-implement native db caching

Steffen Kamper info at sk-typo3.de
Wed Jul 8 18:40:40 CEST 2009

Hi Rupi,

thx for your work on this (and the others from the meeting)

I just did some tests with my local page (not too much content)
so here are my parsetimes:

Each page was rendered with empty cache / reloaded with F5

PID	uncached	cached (Cacheframework)		cached (patch)
1	1909ms		1365ms				1342ms
22	2085ms		1437ms				1423ms
7	1891ms		1407ms				1369ms
3	1819ms		1723ms				1672ms
54	1414ms		1428ms				1352ms

in general they are faster after the patch, but with my content it's 
marginal. I will do a next performance test with a fully packed and 
problematic site as well.

Interesting, PID 54 is page without content, so with cached unpatched it 
needs even longer than without cache.

All tests are done on Windows and a TV-driven site.

vg Steffen

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