[TYPO3-core] RFC: #10025: ImageMagick generates larger than necessary files

Franz Koch typo.removeformessage at fx-graefix.de
Mon Feb 2 11:38:08 CET 2009

>> I'm not sure if this is working with GraphicsMagick. As far as I 
>> remember the -strip argument is not available there - instead you have 
>> to use -profile=* or something like that. So it might be wise to make 
>> the argument itself configurable and not only turn it on or off.
> it's available but not in all versions.
> Common syntax for both is -profile '*'
> There is also the possibility to use 2 strip-commands like
> -profile "CMYK.icc" -profile "RGB.icc" so the strpos-check isn't good here.
> So i did a new patch where you define the strip-command in install tool. 
> Default is empty string, but you can define any command you may use.
> I think this is the most common solution.

looks good to me now, except one thing I'm not sure about, as I'm not 
that deep in the inner structure of the core.

Is the t3lib_div::imageMagicCommand method called for every image 
processing/generation in typo3? If so, there has to be a way to disable 
the stripping from within TS, because there are usecases where you might 
need to render the file with all profiles / EXIF data etc. (like in some 
galleries where you provide downloads in different resolutions or 
something like that).

kind regards,
Franz Koch

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