[TYPO3-core] RFC: #10025: ImageMagick generates larger than necessary files

Thorsten Kahler thorsten.kahler at dkd.de
Mon Feb 16 10:27:03 CET 2009


Franz Koch schrieb am 02.02.2009 11:38 Uhr:
> looks good to me now, except one thing I'm not sure about, as I'm not 
> that deep in the inner structure of the core.
> Is the t3lib_div::imageMagicCommand method called for every image 
> processing/generation in typo3? If so, there has to be a way to disable 
> the stripping from within TS, because there are usecases where you might 
> need to render the file with all profiles / EXIF data etc. (like in some 
> galleries where you provide downloads in different resolutions or 
> something like that).

I strongly support Franz' point! If the "-strip" option is hardcoded in
PHP there's no chance to keep meta data.

The imgResource function already offers an option "params" which can be
used to remove profile information.



Thorsten Kahler
. . . . . . . . . . . .
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