[TYPO3-core] RFC: #10853: [Feature] New Multimedia CE

Franz Koch typo.removeformessage at fx-graefix.de
Sun Apr 19 17:09:32 CEST 2009


> This is SVN patch request.
> Type: Feature
> Branches: trunk
> BT reference: http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=10919
> Description:
> The MULTIMEDIA-CE is a bit outdated and doesn't give much possibilities 
> for streaming data as done in modern websites.
> This attached solution adds a new MEDIA-CE that enables a lot of new 
> possibilities:
> Flash player is added, Media can be streamed with SWFobject, Quicktime 
> can be streamed with QTobject
> The MULTIMEDIA isn't removed (only the CE is hidden). The Media is a 
> dispatcher, where you can choose the type of render (flash (SWFOBJECT), 
> quicktime (QTOBJECT), embed (MULTIMEDIA) [and userdefined types by hook]
> I've written a manual (which needs some proofreading and additions) 
> attached to Bugtracker, also a demo extension to show how to use the hooks.
> The flashmedia.zip needs to be extracted in typo3/contrib.
> The flvplayer is an own compilation, so it's called "TYPO3 Media Player"
> The audioplayer is 1pixelout and free, license file is added.
> I did some Demos which can be viewed here:
> http://dev.sk-typo3.de/new-multimedia-element.html

I'm looking forward to a new MultimediaCE - it's quite about time. I had 
a look at the demos on the website and at the diff - looks good so far, 
but there are some things that in my eyes could be done better/different 
in order to be more future proof and more flexible. I'm just writing 
down stuff that could be considered when going the step to introduce a 
new CE - don't see them as criticism or alike.


One thing I don't like that much is, that the editor has to cope with to 
much technical stuff ("render as flash", "render as quicktime") which 
can't be easily disabled on a user/usergroup basis or get easily 
extended with own fields due to the use of flexforms. I think using IRRE 
and a MM-table for this might be better. That way you could also combine 
multimedia stuff (including configuration) with other CEs like "text 
with image" that could be renamed to "text with media" (like it's done 
by one of Georg Ringers extensions) or be used in own records. The CE 
"Images" could be dropped than, as "Media" would include it's 

Another thing that could be taken into account is a service based MVC 
design for this (using the new MVC framework), so that you a) can 
register new services that should handle the rendering of certain media 
types and b) keep it much more flexible and extendable with custom views 
(accessibility stuff, fallbacks, grid views for images, slideshow-views 
etc.). As already mentioned this could completely replace the current 

As for the Flash-Videoplayer. I lately stumbled over flowplayer [1] 
which looks quite nice (it's modular and quite powerfull), and it's GPL3 
(I don't know if this is good or bad for shipping it with Typo3). But 
it's worth having a look, as it's also providing a nice JS API to 
controll and manipulate it.

That much for now. Maybe the discussion about that should be done in 

[1] http://flowplayer.org/

kind regards,
Franz Koch

PayPal-Account: 'paypal _at_ elements-net _dot_ de'

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