[TYPO3-core] RFC #9615: Move frontend editing to a system extension

Jeff Segars jsegars at alumni.rice.edu
Thu Oct 23 22:48:03 CEST 2008

As promised (but a little later than promised), I've got some updated 
patches that should help with reviewing. These won't actually apply 
anywhere, but they make the code reorganization more clear.

1. tslib.diff
This file contains all the changes within typo3/sysext/cms/tslib.  The 
main change is in tslib_content, where we remove everything associated 
with editPanels and editIcons and replace it with a wrapper function in 
the frontend editing controller instead.

In tslib_fe and publish.php, we update some calls to go through the new 
frontendEdit object rather than just BE_USER.

In index_ts.php, we also update some calls to go through the 
frontendEdit object and move much of the initialization and config 
settings into BE_USER->frontendEdit->initConfigOptions.

2. class.tx_feedit_editpanel.diff
The code for editPanels and editIcons here was moved from tslib_content 
to our new frontend editing extension. For the purposes of the diff, 
we're comparing the old functions from tslib_content with their slightly 
refactored versions that now live in the fe_edit extension.

3. class.tx_feedit_adminpanel.diff
This one is the same idea as the editPanels, but the code was moved from 
  t3lib/class.t3lib_tsfebeuserauth.php instead.

4. class.t3lib_frontendedit.diff
Once the adminPanel code was removed from t3lib_tsfebeuserauth.php, 
there was still a lot of code related to saving records and other 
controller related functions like that.  This was moved to the new 
controller in t3lib_frontendedit.

5. class.t3lib_tsfebeuserauth.diff
Everything that was left over after admin panel and controller code 
moved out.

6. config_default.diff
Just for completeness, this is the one line patch to make the new 
fe_edit extension be installed by default.

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