[TYPO3-core] RFC: #8418: using accessListRenderMode has several bugs

Steffen Kamper steffen at sk-typo3.de
Wed May 21 18:19:41 CEST 2008

Hi Jeff,

"Jeff Segars" <jsegars at alumni.rice.edu> schrieb im Newsbeitrag 
news:mailman.1.1211385213.13655.typo3-team-core at lists.netfielders.de...
> Hey Steffen,
> Thanks for the fix!  The screenshots look like a nice improvment and I'm 
> about to start testing here.
> I do see two things in the screenshot that might benefit from some 
> tweaking.  If you agree and want to make updates now that's great. It's 
> also fine to wait and see if there are other comments first.
> 1. If we're going to change background colors based on clicks, would we be 
> better making the selected state white? It seems like the selected state 
> should differ from the background while the unselected state should not.

I saw that background changed with selecting before. I choose white as 
normal (unselected) tohave a bit simular look like the select box.
But i'm not fixed with the colors, we can choose any (it's not easy to find 
some that are not grey and fit to t3skin :-) )

> 2. When the full help text is displayed, can we drop the gray background? 
> I think bold is enough to differentiate it. There's also the question of 
> if that redundant information is even needed, but that's a separate issue 
> :)
sure. There is the common class used and i didn't want to change it in this 
patch, but it looks like forgetten color in t3skin.

thx for looking a it ;)


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