[TYPO3-core] RFC: #7837: Always generate Icons

Ingo Renner ingo at typo3.org
Wed Mar 12 17:26:56 CET 2008

Martin Kutschker wrote:

Hey Masi,

> But it's pretty late to make it an requirement.

why, we kinda had it all the time. however, it was possible to work 
without it, but as it's so common today - why not require it officially?
As we didn't release an RC yet I think it's not too late.

> I'm not completely opposed to it, but IMHO the whole concept of 
> generation of thoundands of variants of icons (hidden, user acces, 
> start, stop, etc) is obsolete and should be replaced by something else.

I don't think so, actually I think it's quite a cool feature.

> If you want reactivate it, but don't remove the GD check (unless you 
> want to remove all checks in the complete Core and make the installer 
> check it thoroughly). But I guess that there have been other reasons 
> than the GD check why it has been disabled. So I expect some unpleasant 
> surprises :-)

the reason was the missing gif support I guess


Ingo Renner
TYPO3 Core Developer, Release Manager TYPO3 4.2

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