[TYPO3-core] RFC #8985: Enable USER object to become USER_INT on the fly

Ingo Renner ingo at typo3.org
Thu Jul 17 10:09:34 CEST 2008

Hi Dmitry,

here's a (code) review (format is "line: comment"):

9, 18: there's IMO no need to add @var for primitive types, should be 
used only for objects

11: name the variable $doConvertToUserInt or $convertToUserInt - always 
use lowerCamlCase for variables

20: call the variable $userObjectType

27, 34: add a public access designator. What does OT mean? No 
abbreviations, please.

72: the comment is not quite clear, needs to be indented with a tab

75: couldn't that call be moved into the else branch? Seems to be the 
only place where $tempContent is used...

106: name the method convertToUserInt()

didn't test yet. However, it also feels a bit strange to have the plugin 
control the core instead of the other way around.

Wouldn't it be possible to check for a configuration variable in the 
plugin's TS ($conf['useCache'] f.e.) and let the core decide depending 
on that? This way the plugin would also save doing the check itself.


Ingo Renner
TYPO3 Core Developer, Release Manager TYPO3 4.2

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