[TYPO3-core] RFC: #7333: Solution for "Page is being generated"

Bernhard Kraft kraftb at kraftb.at
Thu Jan 31 21:49:15 CET 2008

Hi all !

This is an SVN patch request.


Get rid of this "Page is being generated" screen ...

Solution (copied together from thread to typo3.dev):
I think I found a solution for the well-known and annoying problem that
in some situtations you get a:

"Page is being generated"

message when requesting cached-pages. For non-cached pages this problem
does not exist. But for cached pages in some cases this "message" gets
generated - some people even think it is some kind of "error message".


When I started to debug this problem I first created a test-environment.
You can download it from here:


(PIBG = PageIsBeingGenerated)

included are three html files:
* cachetest.html
* loaded.html
* info.html

Just copy those three to the web-root of your typo3-installation - and open
"cachetest.html" with a browser.

... there are a few things you have to take care of for the debugging

*1* You have to be logged in into the BE (the script is clearing the
automaticall - else you would have to click both clear cache buttons
after each test-run (just check those 3 html file's JS - it isn't doing
anything bad)

*2* The test-environment hast to get untared into the webroot of the
site you
are going to test ...

*3* If you would like to test a site "without" having the whole patch
applied you
at least have to add the line


normally delay value shoule be between 500 and 2000. The script is loading
the start-page of your website into the left-frame - and then after the
given delay it
loads the start-page a second time into the right-frame ....

try this a few times - you can click the button again after both frames
have loaded.
and try to vary the delay (upper input field) - and in some situations
you will get a
"Page is being generated" message in the right frame (Of course only if
your startpage
isn't set to "no_cache") ...

This are .png files showing the test-environment with the patch enabled:

* ... just have a look at them. I marked the important times with a red
box ... *

And without patch enabled:

* 100 ms delay. The page is completly generated and stored into page two
times *

* 500 ms delay. In the right frame you get the page is being generated
message cause
the left frame already handled to put the tempPageCachedContent into cache*

* 5s delay. Both frames get rendered indepently. The right one gets
fetched from cache *

Additional: Instead of just using "flock" the patch should try to
use mutex-locks if available (better thread safety) and just use
file-locks as a fallback.

Freiheit ist immer Freiheit des Andersdenkenden.
Rosa Luxemburg, 1871-1919
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