[TYPO3-core] FYI: Icon for new_file.gif

Dmitry Dulepov [typo3] dmitry at typo3.org
Wed Apr 16 14:01:34 CEST 2008


Ingo Renner wrote:
> So? We are core developers if you forgot, see the next point.

But you can commit only no brainers without discussion in the list! You must give others a chance to stop the change if they see it as dangerous. Now you just ignore the rest of the team at all.

> What we could do on the other hand is to create an RFC for every single 
> icon and still get the necessary +1s anyway.
> What you want is bureaucracy, and that's certainly nothing that we need.

I want you to follow core team rules, which you and Benny currently ignore. This is not acceptable. If you ignore them, other can do the same. So I'll just go and commit whatever I like, right?

I want to see all cions to be changed at once, not randomly.

> that's what we do. Non of these changes were two man decisions.

Ah, I think I missed a post in core list about it. Would you point it to me?

> Also, I already tld you some time back that this is not always about 
> rules. Rules are good, but there must be situations were it is possible 
> to not stick to them by 101%. Otherwise people will loose the fun in the 
> project, this is certainly another point that we do not want.

It is not about fun, it is about being responsible.

Dmitry Dulepov
TYPO3 core team
Web: http://typo3bloke.net/
Skype: callto:liels_bugs
"Nothing is impossible. There are only limits to our knowledge"

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