[TYPO3-core] FYI: Icon for new_file.gif

Benjamin Mack benni at typo3.org
Wed Apr 16 13:53:46 CEST 2008

Hey Dmitry,

Dmitry Dulepov [typo3] wrote:
> Benjamin Mack wrote:
>> as mentioned yesterday, the old icon (attached) for the
>> "new_file.gif" in the filelist had to go as well. This new icon is
>> commited to 4.2.
> No! -1 for now (veto!) before we discuss icon changes for top level 
> modules.
1. I did not commit any top level module icons here.
2. I did a change in t3skin after discussing this with Jens yesterday
and with Ingo this morning (so basically, yeah, there are two +1 offlist
even if there is NO functionaly code change). I don't know if you have
ever had a look into the t3skin/icons/gfx directory. The initial author
COPIED many icons from the oldskin in there and now this is a total mess
stylewise, which I tried to clean up. If you use t3skin you completely
know that this change is neither a functional change, but something I
would call a serious "visual bug" that existed since the creation of t3skin.
3. It's not like these icons just came up here, we all had Jens' 
proposals for a while now, and AFAIK there was no clear statement from 
you about them yet. I talked with Jens about the icons and will continue 
to do so during T3DD08 for the other icons that will come 4.3 to make 
them ready for the core. When we agreed to not completely integrate the 
icons in 4.2, we decided to add some that did not make sense at all (and 
yes, the amount of icons that go in 4.2 depends on how much we discuss 
over it in this list after the ). Unfortunately, the t3skin has been 
left out for quite some time now until late last year.

> Whatever but neitgher you, nor Ingo can go and commit anything
> without +1s here in the list. Stop making last minute changes!
So, for a icon change that there was a crappy one before, I do not only
need the approval from the HCI - Team (which I considered to be a part 
of, but always get the "please check with Jens before" from this list 
here, where Jens then responds that the change is ok as it was his idea 
initially), but then, I need another two +1s ON the list for this 
non-functional change. Then I get a "well, I don't like it that way, 
because my editors are not used it, let's take my version of the icon 
etc." --- it takes way too much unnecessary efforts to get this going.

maybe we should come up with a "Commit rules for visual changes where no 
functional code change is required" since clearly nobody knows how this 
procedure should look like. Or:
I would even consider to have a "FYI24: This icon / change will be 
commited in 24h if no vetos or better solutions are coming", with no BT 
entry or RFC needed. Something like that, we can think about it on T3DD08.

And now: Please see my icon change, and tell me if it's worth discussing 
over this change!


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