[TYPO3-core] RFC: #7986: Vertical aligned Icons in List-Module

Steffen Kamper steffen at sk-typo3.de
Tue Apr 8 21:49:18 CEST 2008


"Martin Kutschker" <martin.kutschker-n0spam at no5pam-blackbox.net> schrieb im 
news:mailman.1.1207681565.7769.typo3-team-core at lists.netfielders.de...
> Steffen Kamper schrieb:
>> "Martin Kutschker" <martin.kutschker-n0spam at no5pam-blackbox.net> schrieb 
>> im Newsbeitrag 
>> news:mailman.1.1207673581.4938.typo3-team-core at lists.netfielders.de...
>> screenshot as an example
>>> Ok, here it looks good. But your first screenshot is a bit disturbing.
>>> Knowing in advance if a column will be "empty" for all rendered tables 
>>> would be nice, so that it can be disabled. A different approach would 
>>> use CSS classes and a bit of Javascript at the end of the page to hide 
>>> all empty columns (no JS auto-detection, simply a code rendered 
>>> diirectly from the PHP that by then knows what's empty).
>  > for sure there are a lot of things that could be done. So there is the 
> idea
>> for 4.3 to rewrite the list module.
> We all have plans for many things, no doubt, but I was talking about the 
> here an now for a proposed change for 4.2. But as it is now it I'm not 
> entirely happy with it.
> I only suggested a way to enhance it, Dmitry suggested another.
>> I think at this point for 4.2 we have the maximum of makeable,
> Why? Dmitry's and my proposal are way from impossible or even hard to do.
reason is that RC1 will be released this week

>> May be we make some enhancements in 4.2.1 or following.
> I'm really grateful that you guys take care of the UI. Yet I 'm worried 
> that you think of it as a playground that you can shift around as you 
> like. But you cannot!

this is not the result of a playground. The listview atm looks terrible and 
will confuse editors more. What we did is not changing an ui, we aligned it 
with css, so it looks tidy. That makes it more easy for an editor to find 
the tools.

> Many editors need training and in a commercial context you cannot allow 
> the UI to change every time. This will disturb editors, require additional 
> training which in turn will in turn be a problem for those in charge of 
> finance.

we didn't changed any icon. We followed a proposal from Jens Hoffmann, who 
demonstrated his proposals a long time ago to the community. You find his 
prposal in BT.

> If TYPO3 is to be an enterprise CMS it has to be stable and predictable. 
> and ever shifting UI is not.
> So here's a -1 to allow UI changes in the 4.2.x branch in advance ;-)

please compare it with the actual list view.

vg Steffen 

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