[TYPO3-core] RFC: Feature #6442: Hook in browse_links request (for linking to records)

Ingmar Schlecht ingmar at typo3.org
Wed Nov 14 12:46:45 CET 2007

Hi Ingo,

in general, I like the idea. Here are some comments though:

- I'd put the file t3lib/interface.t3lib_browslinkshook.php into a new
folder t3lib/interfaces/.

- modifyMenuDefenition => modifyMenuDefinition

- $menuDefenition => $definition

- Add correct documentation to
+	/**
+	 * checks the current URL and determines what to do
+	 *
+	 * @param	unknown_type		$href
+	 * @param	unknown_type		$siteUrl
+	 * @param	unknown_type		$info
+	 * @return	unknown_type
+	 */

- Missing closing bracked in the comment:
+	/**
+	* array which holds hook objects (initialised in init()
+	*/

- Do we catch those exceptions anywhere?
+					throw new
	UnexpectedValueException('$processObject must implement
	interface t3lib_browseLinksHook', 1195039394);

Also, please wait for Daniel to test this implementation first.


Ingo Renner schrieb:
> Here's an improved patch.
> !!!
> This version forces the object hooking into browse_links to implement an
> interface which I think is good practice and all new hooks should do the
> same now that we can rely on PHP5
> !!!
> Daniel: I renamed your hook object methods to be without abbreviations.
> Also please provide descriptions for the parseCurrentUrl method and its
> parameters
> If nobody objects I'll commit this before alpha2
> all the best
> Ingo

Ingmar Schlecht
TYPO3 Association Active Member

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