[TYPO3-core] hiliting of current page in a WS

Martin Kutschker Martin.Kutschker at n0spam-blackbox.net
Fri Feb 16 14:56:01 CET 2007

Michael Stucki schrieb:
> Hi Martin,
>>>>But Thomas Murphy last week said he wants to release improved versions
>>>>of t3skin in TER more often, and will send his improvements as a patch
>>>>to some member of the core team before each release.
>>Afterthought: we still have a feature freeze. He can update on TER
>>whenever he feels like it, but jumping into RC1 after beeing silent for a
>>year is impolite.
> Is this about principials or is it about usefullnes?
> I'm happy that Thomas is working on it now. He will move the development of
> the skin to typo3xdev and can improve it independently from us, and
> together with a team.
> The skin will not break any functionality, so it is not critical. It just
> improves some things, so why should we hold it back?

I biased because when I tried to clean up things in the skin (eg layout 
problems in IE, etc) after the release of 4.0 he was unresponsiv. Well, and 
the Core members weren't helpful either for that matter (seems IE is a 
product of another planet for some of us).

The point is that a) the Core has some issues which makes it really hard to 
improve the skin and b) the skin is part of the Core *. So instead of 
moving to typo3xdev Thomas should become a Core member, so we can support him.


* Some tags lack classes, etc.

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