[TYPO3-core] Getting an overview

Michael Stucki michael at typo3.org
Mon Feb 12 19:07:59 CET 2007

Hi Martin,

>> Looks like there's 4 feature patches open at the moment. I guess that's
>> doable until tonight, so we can release RC1 tomorrow morning. If the
>> patches don't get in, I'm afraid they have to wait till 4.2.
>> What do you think?
> Artifical pressure ;-) *
> I have a suggestion for the release of 4.2. We set an additional date for
> our timeline: proposal freeze. After this date no patches for features are
> to be proposed. Following this date allowing one or two weeks for review
> we have the real feature freeze followed by one or two weeks of final bug
> fixing.

I have the feeling that our final spurt before 4.1RC1 wasn't that bad, so
why should we change that?

- michael
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