[TYPO3-core] Correction to charset setting in t3lib_htmlmail

Stanislas Rolland stanislas.rolland at fructifor.ca
Mon May 1 15:50:04 CEST 2006

Peter Niederlag a écrit :
> .metaCharset is just used for telling the browser which charset is used
> (html-tag, xml-prologue, http-header), while .renderChrset actually does
> a conversion.
Then, it makes sense for t3lib_htmlmail to use metaCharset to set the 
mail headers, does it not?
> If only renderCharset is used (&& no BE|forceCharset) than renderCharset
> should be used as well for conversion *and* for information about the
> charset used (html-tag, xml-prologue, http-header)

"If renderCharset and metaCharset are different the output content is 
automatically converted to metaCharset before output and likewise are 
values posted back to the page converted from metaCharset to 
renderCharset for internal processing."

t3lib_htmlmail does not do any conversion. However, I think that if 
renderCharset and metaCharset are different, the invoking process should 
do the conversion, so that the final output uses metaCharset.
>> The point of this patch is that currently, when config.metaCharset is
>> not set, the charset of the mail may be incorrectly set to the charset
>> forced in the backend.
> Dont know about that but IMHO .renderCharset seems to be the way to go.
Sorry, I cannot follow you down this path.

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