[TYPO3-core] Fixing no-brainers?

Michael Stucki michael at typo3.org
Mon Apr 10 10:26:43 CEST 2006

Hi Martin,

> Do we fix stuff like bug #2938 in TYPO3 4.0.1 or has this again wait for
> 4.1?

4.0 is the main version, 4.0.0 was the first release of it. 4.0.1 can be an 
updated version that contains a few bugfixes.

> Which brings me to the topic of the next release. This is what I had in
> mind for it:
> Let's start with fixing a couple of urgent stuff in 4.0.1 and possibly
> 4.0.2. Better have a 4.0.1 in one week and 4.0.2 after that in three weeks
> than only one 4.0.1 in two months.

We well see how urgent things are. Personally I have no problems with 
releasing a minor upgrade soon...

> Then target an intermediate 4.1 that will mainly clean up and streamline
> stuff of the new features. I think that a widespread use of eg workspaces
> will bring up some issues that need polishing. This release should not very
> far from now. Perhaps 3 to 6 months from now.


> Parallel to 4.1 we could work on the BE UI overhaul that's the goal for
> 4.5. I think we should in this case don't work on HEAD, but in either a
> branch or on local systems so the tree doesn't get destabilized. Since
> these changes will be major and will take more time I suggest work on this
> will be started before the release of 4.1 (hence the new development[!]
> branch that is to be merged into HEAD).

Should be ok, yes.

> PS: I'm not happy that older vesions of TYPO3 are not supported. Michael
> Stucki's remark that there is no need for a 3.8.2 made me think if not
> somebody wants to take over the burden of maintaining the old stuff. This
> is happening with Linux and Apache, so why not with TYPO3?

Of course it can be done if just somebody takes responsibility for it...(?)

Regards, michael

PS: As soon as CVS is merged back into HEAD, you have to be aware that all 
bugfixes have to be applied twice again...
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