[TYPO3-v4] Minutes of the 10th meeting of the 4.7 Release Team

Kay Strobach typo3 at kay-strobach.de
Mon Jan 30 21:03:00 CET 2012

Hello Steffen,

why are gridelements not part of the core?

Was my understanding correct, that FAL and VIDI won't be part of TYPO3 4.7?

Am 30.01.2012 20:34, schrieb Steffen Ritter:
> Am 30.01.2012 19:37, schrieb Steffen Gebert:
>>> TYPO3 4.7
>>> >  ==========
>>> >  Nothing special has been discussed about TYPO3 4.7.
>>> >  The FAL Team - currently meeting up at Stuttgart B:Dreizehn GmbH -
>>> >  announced that they plan to push the first patches within this week.
>> Seriously? "Nothing special"? We have two weeks until Feature Freeze and
>> it feels like development of 4.7 hasn't been started at all.
>> What's with all the other BLE tasks?
> What exactly do yo mean?
> - the whole Frontend/Accessibility stuff is already integrated
> - external Extensions have been releases do TER
> - FAL - biggest solo part is on work right now
> - Government Package is not related to a Feature Freeze and currently
> automatically generated, both (gov and introduction package) have to be
> overworked as soon as FAL got integrated
> The ExtJS 4 migration has been dropped and reverted. Therefore the whole
> VIDI, and new File-Module, Custom Record Tree ist out of scope.
> The one outstanding Topic is the Console-Application. Which indeed is a
> standalone product which would need an init.php Refactoring which Oliver
> Hader did...
> This would has been working for the time of the BLE close-up. The
> reasons why Olly never pushed it to Gerrit are ? I do not know :P
> Then there are Grid-Elements. Which are finished and released to TER.
> There are plans about an Screencast by the new Team and some Buzz around
> it which Ben is organizing as well as the plan to move the Drag&Drop
> stuff to Core.
> There has been an opposition on putting the Extenion itself to to Core -
> as TV never got sysext, too. But I think that is fine... Not everyone
> needs Flexible Content Elements.
> Then there's only the Logging project left which to me seems to make
> good progress and would be a candidate for at least integration of the
> lowlevel API. But Steffen Müller told me that you are not up to put
> anything into the Core for 4.7, yet.
> As it applies for all projects - especially the last 3: At the end the
> contributors within the teams have to request their stuff to be
> integrated or push something.
> We - or better I - just can follow up on them and keep Track. But It
> makes no sense to write "nothing new from this project" every week.
> Well: "FAL" is written shortly, behind the scenes there are hundreds (if
> not thousands) of lines of Code. What seemed like an "small and doable"
> job in the end got quite a big project, including many new TypoScript
> options, TypoScript Objects, Typolink syntax, possiblities with files
> and so on... So even if it looks "small" there will be much around.
> But you're right. Somehow it feels like development never started...
> Look at how many people will attend the Developer days, look how many
> pages have been submitted and reviewed. And read how often we adressed
> lack of man-power during development.
> On the one hand there are complaints that nothing happens, on another
> hand there are no reviews and a third position is, that the stuff which
> has been done, get's merged so fast. That's a vicious circle itself.
> Looking at the pending stuff for FAL-branch which already is in Gerrit
> since weeks and noone looked at it I wonder how the really big parts
> should get through if the authors of the different parts not just vote
> for each other?
> If you have solutions for that and can bring up more topics - and people
> who will work on that I think we all are in.
> We started with a vision and arrived in Reality. That's hard, but I
> think this is a lesson you have to learn in a unpayed community driven
> ecosystem.
> I hope I could answer your questions somehow.
> regards
> Steffen

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