[TYPO3-mvc] CommandController in TYPO3 6.x never runs

Ludwig Rafelsberger ludwig.rafelsberger at gmx.at
Sat Mar 16 23:19:20 CET 2013

Hi Dominic, 

> Is it possible running the task without the scheduler?
Yes. And I highly recommend you to do so, because this will give you
even better feedback. (actually I'd develop CommandControllers always
that way before using them as scheduled task)
 * create a user _cli_lowlevel
 * run "typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh extbase help" from the main
   installation directory. This will give further invocation hints

In case that doesn't get you any further, could you provide more
debugging output:
 * server logs?
 * introduce a simple measurement at the beginning of the targeted
   Controller action. A simple die("hello") or file_put_contents(…)
   gets us an idea of whether the action is ever called


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