[TYPO3-mvc] Problem with HTML in XML

Thomas Hucke thucke at web.de
Sat Mar 16 10:12:37 CET 2013

H Stefan,

it´s the same than in your other post regarding "html in locallang".
Like Chris Wolf answered you may put your html in a CDATA section:

<![CDATA[€ 300 plus 19 tax <br> Amount is composed as follows:. <br> € 300 
for your <b> Premium PRO-entry </ b>]]>


"Stefan Kruse"  schrieb im Newsbeitrag 
news:mailman.6596.1363350763.609.typo3-project-typo3v4mvc at lists.typo3.org...


I would need in my XML language file a few HTML tags. I would like to format 
the text partially thick, or insert a line break. How do I do best? I now 
have in my label <[CDATA [here the content]]> inserted. Fluid in my template 
I use the f: format.raw ViewHelper. As output now however: € 300 plus 19 tax 
<br> Amount is composed as follows:. <br> € 300 for your <b> Premium 
PRO-entry </ b>. The tags like <br/> or <b> </ b> are not treated as special 
HTML output directly as text. How can I reach to be parsed as HTML?

Thank you Stefan 

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