[TYPO3-mvc] bind a foreign database to a repository

Stefan Frömken firma at sfroemken.de
Thu Jan 26 10:20:21 CET 2012

Am 25.01.2012 08:06, schrieb Georg Ringer:
> Hi,
> I see 2 ways:
> a) use a cron/whatever and import the whole table into the one of TYPO3,
> maybe add the needed fields like uid and you will get not problems
This would be the best solution. I will discuss it with our customer, 
because only he has access to the shell script which imports the database.
> b) I am not sure if you can still use the TYPO3DbBackend, we do it a bit
> different here. We got webservices/mssql databases and connect those
> with a custom Repository and do all query stuff on our own and in the
> end we just do the model mapping on yourselfs and let it render in the
> view as usual.
Do you mean SQL Statement feature of Extbase? Is there any extension 
where I can see your programming/solution?
> Georg

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