[TYPO3-mvc] [RFC] Keeping FLOW3 Compatibility

Helmut Hummel helmut.hummel at typo3.org
Sun Feb 12 12:41:43 CET 2012


On 12.02.12 11:24, Felix Oertel wrote:

> I don't really see why we, as a backport-developers, now should have to
> come to the v5 team, serving them everything on a silver tray.

There's no benefit in nourishing an attitude of "we agianst them".

It's about what makes sense and how to save resources.

It does not make sense to allow features/ bugfixes go into extbase 
without requiring unit tests. In fact I would appreciate if every change 
in TYPO3 v4 would require a unit test, we really suck at that point.

It does not make sense and is a waste of resource to let the extbase/ 
fluid code diverge from FLOW3 because it then *will* happen that would 
not be possible any more for extbaseto benefit from FLOw3 features and 
vice versa.

Kind regards,

Helmut Hummel
TYPO3 Security Team Leader, TYPO3 v4 Core Team Member

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