[TYPO3-mvc] [RFC] Keeping FLOW3 Compatibility

Felix Oertel f at oer.tel
Sun Feb 12 11:24:38 CET 2012


this topic bothers me alot ... for literally years now. So please, while 
reading, think about me just having the best in mind. This is not meant 
to be personally targeting single persons but about behavioral groups 
and team dynamics.

Am 11.02.12 14:01, schrieb Sebastian Kurfürst:
> For me, it would be very important that we, as a community, try to keep
> extbase and FLOW3 as much in sync as possible
> That's why I'd suggest that for every feature / bugfix in this area
> which takes place, we should at least make sure that a bug report on
> http://forge.typo3.org/projects/package-typo3-flow3/issues exists --
> linking the extbase and the FLOW3 issue together. This way, this is some
> kind of "TODO" list for FLOW3 developers, and also enables the FLOW3
> team to learn from real-world experiences made with Extbase.

Yeah, about that ...

What about the FLOW3 developers getting their own copy of Extbase and 
reading the Changelog? Or attending extbase team meetings? Hanging 
around the #extbase channel in freenode?

I've been a team member for 1,5 - 2 years now, don't know exactly. I've 
never seen any serious effort from the v5 team, helping extbase along. 
(Besides Sebastian and Bastian of course, but this was from the inside 
of extbase, not that external help I am talking about.)

Even on the Code-Sprint Berlin 2011 (meant to be "Transition Days 2") 
nothing even remotely happend in this direction. The v5 team was busy 
working on the T3CON website all by theirself.

Extbase is "just the backport" ... the little sister project, not that 
important. Big guys have to do the real things ... the guys who "just 
backport" have to see where to go.

We do a damn good job, backporting features to be used in hundreds of 
everyday-projects and seen by thousands of peoples *right now*. I never 
saw any acknowledgment of that!

FLOW3 developers don't open tickets in the extbase issuetracker, when 
they change the behavior (or API) of things we already backported. They 
don't get in contact with the corresponding author to ensure 
compatibility in extbase as well. We allways have to come to the v5 team 
as some kind of petitioner, asking for help.

I don't really see why we, as a backport-developers, now should have to 
come to the v5 team, serving them everything on a silver tray. If we 
have some cool feature or bugfix, why doesn't the v5 team come and ask 
for it?

As you might have noticed, this bothers me alot. Probably it's a little 
harsh, as there are more influences into this topic (acknowledgment and 
support by the association e.g.), but the bottomline might be:

One hand washes the other. We have a lot of work to do ourselves, so I 
don't think it's asked too much, to split work on the hole "in 
sync"-thing more equally.

regards, foertel

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