[TYPO3-mvc] Extbase News 02 / 2012
Felix Oertel
the at extbase.pro
Sun Feb 12 10:34:12 CET 2012
Am 10.02.12 07:31, schrieb Patrick Lobacher:
> 4.) In the future we will devide the member list at
> http://forge.typo3.org/projects/show/typo3v4-mvc into "members" and
> "inactive members" to reflect to amount of contribution a member does in
> a specific period of time (let's say the last 3 months for example). If
> you have a silent period you will be moved to "inactive" and as soon as
> you come back to the active contribution we will move you to the normal
> member section. This gives us the chance to see, who can help us
> actively in the moment.
Just wanted to underline once more, that there is nothing bad in being
inactive. ;-) We all know that, there are times with our work, kids,
personal life or vacations when we are not able or do not want to
contribute. This is no problem, really. Someone active is not worth more
than someone inactive.
It's more to protect you ... (ya, ya, ok, it's to protect us! You got me.)
An active member status implies alot. It implies that you are ready to
recieve (and answer) emails with questions to stuff you did. Or stuff
that has to be done. It implies that you take place in the extbase team
meetings. It implies, that you help making descissions and follow the
team evolve in the mailinglists. It implies that you contribute
frequently ...
When I ask for support to the project, people keep saying "but you are
$highnumber members!". People don't realize, that only 2 - 5 people at a
time contribute to the project and that the need for codeprints (and
aquiring new members) is high. When I tell people "This or that won't
make it into 4.7", they wonder how 10+ people can not get this in 2+
months. Not to speak of documentation. ;-)
So an inactive status in no means reflect, that you do not contribute to
the project. It just tells people from the outside, that you do not
contribute RIGHT NOW. Which is fine ... as mentioned.
regards, foertel
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