[TYPO3-mvc] Complex array validation

Claus Due claus at wildside.dk
Mon Feb 6 23:01:16 CET 2012

> I have activated the new property mapper, but haven't been able find any documentation on how to

Tim Schoch has the answer in a previous message on this list:

protected function initializeCreateUpdateAction() {
if ( $this->request->hasArgument( 'foo' ) ) {
     $foo = $this->request->getArgument( 'foo' );
     $count = count( $foo['datas'] );
     for( $i = 0; $i < $count; $i++ ) {
       $this->arguments['foo']->getPropertyMappingConfiguration()->allowCreationForSubProperty('datas.'. $i );
       $this->arguments['foo']->getPropertyMappingConfiguration()->allowModificationForSubProperty('datas.'. $i );

(Thanks, Tim!)

> I must admit, it's been a while since I've last looked at your FED extension, but it seems that I have to try it out :)

A ton of things has happened just during the last six months - it's now possible to get templavoila-style features using Fluid :)

> Btw. are you coming to the T3DD - I saw that a FED workshop have been proposed.

I myself am not going but Frank Gerards from the FED team is going and will (hopefully) be doing the workshop. If you are going it may be worth a look - Frank is a skilled dev and almost has more experience using FED than I do, he's the perfect man for such a workshop :)

> Cool - although I hope that everything can be fixed with FED - that would be nice

Fingers crossed!

If you have questions about the fed:form.group ViewHelper just let me know.


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